Thursday, 12 June 2008

Renovations Phase 3, Crown Princess's Cardigan Part 2

Yes, the #3 is the correct number. Last year, you read all about the kitchen, but what you didn't realise was that that was actually Phase 2 of the renovations of Castle Bliss. I spared you the gorey details of Phase 1. Today officially starts the third phase. Ughh, wish me luck (before & after photos coming soon)!

So what are we up to? We're painting and tiling the living room & library. Yes folks, I have a library in my house! When we bought Castle Bliss three years ago, we had three off-spring living with us full time plus another who came and went. Hence, we needed a palace large enough for the entire brood. Time passes, off-spring graduate, the house emptied. The dining room was 'converted'. Every book lover's dream!

Every car owner's dream will also come true at the end of this phase of work. We will be having a 'garage party' when we are done instead of the planned Christmas in July weekend. Our pile of tiles will be laid & there will be room for The MOTH's vehicle in its rightful place once more.

While the work is in progress, I'm aiming to finish off the Crown Princess's cardigan that I started last year. I'm knitting her a 'tartan' (read: sea green) coloured cardigan in the style above. So far, I've done the back & half both fronts. Miranda is somewhat 'retro' in her clothes choice and is long & classically fine with dark eyes and black hair (I was often ased if, as a blonde, I was my children's stepmother or the babysitter) so this is going to look magnifique!


Jennifer said...

We're planning on using our formal living room as a library instead of "the room that nobody sits in except for holidays and special occasions". DH and I have amassed a ton (and I do mean literal ton) of books and need someplace to keep them all. It will be nice to have a space dedicated to our books and reading.

Aussie Stitcher said...

Looking forward to seeing the pictures of phase 3, and some of the cardigan.

Margaret said...

What a gorgeous cardigan. Miranda is a lucky girl.

Alberta said...

Good luck with Phase 3 of your renos...hopefully the cardigan will keep you sane!

Shelleen said...

good luck with the phases and love that cardigan