Saturday, 26 December 2009

"Let me tell you what I ate, Mum!"

Crown Princess, aged 7 years, announced as
she climbed into the car after her first Brownie Camp
(Gladstone, Qld. 1988)

Le Jour de Noël 2009 has come and gone. Thanks to everyone who sent me good wishes for the season, either here or on Facebook. Your comments were much appreciated. It was only my second Christmas in France (I was in Limoges in 1998) and only one of a handful I've not spent with my family since I became a mother just over 28 years ago. I needed a bit of a boost, to tell the truth.

I have to say that it didn't seem like Christmas this year. Joyeuses fêtes and Bonne Année don't do much for me if celebrating the God bit at Christmas is totally ignored by the general public because it's politically incorrect to say anything. Why bother to celebrate Christmas without a reason for the season? It smacks of hypocracy.

Because of the unexpectedly sunny day, The MOTH & I took the Metro only as far as L'avenue des Champs-Élysées and walked the uncrowded few blocks further to our rendez-vous for lunch at Brasserie Lorraine at place de Ternes. We spent a delightful and delicious three hours in the company of our Australian friends from Newcastle, NSW, Natalie and Paul (& their three young children) and Sandra, from Huston, Texas, USA. The food was wonderful and the friendly table service without fault. What a Christmas treat (my only ever meal in a restaurant for Christmas day)!

After a wonderful three course meal, The MOTH, Sandra and I walked home via the Arc de Triomph, the Eiffel Tower (where we left Sandra at her apartment) and Montparnasse almost back to Gare de l'Austerlitz. Where else but Paris, huh? It was magical! There were no kilojoules to rest on my hips after that 7+km walk, let me tell you. LOL. I had Bûche de Noël for afternoon tea, today.

Food experiences have been a highlight of our 'trekking expeditions' around Paris, this week. Eschewing the Metro, we've walked for miles just so that we don't miss viewing a thing! Each day, we've lunched somewhere different (spaghetti in the Latin Quarter on Monday, a Corsican restaurant just off rue de Rivoli on Tuesday, a pub at the Mouffetard markets on Thursday). Delicious! Thanks to Harry and Lucy, I am quite fit enough to do it!

On Christmas eve morn, we planned our route to Cluny museum before leaving home, not realising how wonderful the markets were in rue de Mouffetard. I'll leave you with mouth watering to enjoy what we found - pictures say a thousand words.

Happiness & laughter to one and all,



stitcherw said...

Wonderful pictures, I so love all the sights you are treating us to. Glad you had a good time and were able to get out and about so much.

Leeland said...

MDR! Oui, les français sont plutôt hérétiques! Très attachés à la laïcité. Ca n'empêche pas les gens de mettre une crèche chez eux et d'attendre le moment de mettre Jésus dans la paille... ;)
Je vois que tu t'es bien amusée en France.
Tu as l'air si jeune sur les photos, c'est fou!
Au fait, je me demande toujours, the MOTH, c'est un acronyme pour quoi?

Felicity said...

LOL Je vous remercie. Vous êtes si gentil. J'aurai cinquante ans au mois d'avril !

The MOTH = The Man of the House

Leeland said...

OK! Merci pour l'explication de l'acronyme Felicity.
J'aimerais être aussi jolie que toi à 50 ans! J'ai 41 ans mais je crois que près de toi, j'aurais l'air d'être ta maman... Lol!