Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Hi Folks,
I don't blog much, any more, mostly due to my wonky eye sight which comes and goes. It doesn't mean that I'm not stitching, knitting or sewing. I am! For those of you who know me well, you'd roll your eyes at my endless search for the perfect black cardigan and at my penchant for 3/4 sleeve cardigans for the 'between seasons', which for us Australian is most of the year.
I have discovered Craftsy in my quest for new ideas, and have been taking advantage of a few knitting classes to improve some of my techniques and to gain greater confidence in fitting my garments.
These are my latest socks (ungrafted, as yet). My girls are all hanging out for a pair. No1 grandson is hanging out for a yellow scarf.
Happiness & laughter to one and all,


Kaisievic said...

Looking forward to seeing your socks.

Margaret said...

Good to see you blogging. Looking forward to seeing your socks. I really must blog again too and let you know what I have been doing.

Margaret said...

Love those socks - no wonder the girls are all hanging out for a pair.

I've been knitting scarves for charity - camp for young cancer patients in Colorado and a Catholic school bazaar (a friend's grandchildren attend the school).

We are leaving next Tuesday for Europe to spend Christmas with kids & grandkids.