I'm probably having a fat day which makes me whine more than usual, but quite seriously Nora Corbett of Mirabilia Designs has either got an eating disorder or or a problem with fat people, folks. I really like some of her designs but the models are all so disgustingly anorexic! Do you think that we could approach her to design a few more 'womanly shapes' for her subjects - broader shoulders, bigger breasts and bottoms with proportional waists? As women we really should be complaining! If a man had designed cross stitch like this, we'd have been up in arms long ago.
I'm sick of the pre-pubescent look, to be honest. It kind of gives me the creeps in the same way that 40 year old men used to give me the creeps when they'd leer at my 11 year-old tall-and-skinny, flat-chested daughter dressed in shorts when we went to the beach.
Anyone got an email for her? Please email me so that I can get the ball rolling!
I'm sick of the pre-pubescent look, to be honest. It kind of gives me the creeps in the same way that 40 year old men used to give me the creeps when they'd leer at my 11 year-old tall-and-skinny, flat-chested daughter dressed in shorts when we went to the beach.
Anyone got an email for her? Please email me so that I can get the ball rolling!
This is what I mean by 'real shape':
Joan Elliott's 'Queen of the Seas"
at least has well rounded boobs, nice waist and a gorgeous bedonkadonk!
Voluptuous Mermaids by Jill Oxton
LOL, i see what you mean!
I'll be with you on the campaign for women in stitches with 'real'shape!
yes you're right ^^ and I just LOVE those voluptuous mermaids by Jill Oxton - had never seen them before but they are just so great!
I agree with you - I've already said myself that I love Sabrina but I'd have to add a few rows of stitching if I ever did her, as she looks like she belongs in an anorexia/bulemia ward! :( It totally unnatural, and I prefer my stitching not to be of Kate Moss :P
You're right and people are saying the same thing on the french BB ... I 'm not sure she has an email ... She has 2 boys so it may not be an issue for her ? No email contact beside that one :
This post is so funny!! You so have a point!! Good luck with getting that ball rolling!! You go girl!! =)
I've never stitched a Miribilia, but since you point it out... I'd have to agree that they do look anorexic. I'd be PO'd if some 40-something guy was leering at my daughter, too. Oh, how I could go on about men and their "leering" and lusting after much younger girls/women, but I won't. LOL
You are so right! And if I were into stitching mermaids I'd start with the Jill Oxton trio. These girls are just perfect, lol.
Now that you mention it :-) ....I had never thought of it this way before, but I think I would like to see a plump fairy, too...and I really like the voluptuous mermaids by Jill Oxton
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