Friday, 12 February 2010

Time Out - Update No. 2 - A Quick Stitch

If I Sew Fast Enough, Does it Count as Aerobic Exercise?

This project is a really quick stitch, folks! I stuffed around with it for about 2 hours on the weekend & then had to frog what I did (having gridded the fabric last year before I left for France).

I thought to myself in disgust: "Why am I bothering?" Then, I took a look at the two reasons why (both of whom were asleep at the back door) and made the decision that the only way to get a good grip on the project was to set it as my project for Tuesday afternoon & Wednesday after the MOTH left for Woop Woop. I don't want it to take the three years it took me to do Frederick the Literate. The pic I published yesterday had about 10 hours stitching in it. It's mostly half stitches.

As you can see, I did some work on Thursday too. I hope to finish the quilt before The MOTH gets home from work today.

Get it out of the stash pile and start stitching, girls. With the gridding, it's a cute and easy stitch, I swear!

I do have to fess up to one thing. I've got a New Year's Resolution to keep. I won't buy myself any stash until I've finished at least two projects that I have going. As you all know, I never do little projects, so as I have a wishlist an arm long at 123stitch, I have to actually DO some stitching before I can buy anything on it! LOL

Happiness & laughter to one and all,



Unknown said...

Well, you are fast LOL. Don't we all have the same New Years resolution? And does anyone actually keep it? Playing devils advocate here.

Alberta said...

Great idea about the stash bustimg...I could learn something from you!

Anonymous said...

yep, I reckon it counts as aerobics lol.
great progress there Felicity and I, like you, believe in New Year's resolutions and mine are going well so far this year! Just have to have a little will power.