Saturday, 28 February 2009

For all you cat lovers

It's another two weeks until the extreme pain of exams is done, so I'm not sttiching at all, at the moment. I'm feeling quite insane, but that's temporary, so another story for another time. LOL

Since I did get this little cutie advertised through my inbox twice in the last few days, I thought I'd share it with you. Being the dog person that I am (go figure), I love it! I'd love to buy it, too, but won't for now, because the Australian price is $64.00 + p & h. I want to spend my money locally, but it just buys so little! The same thing costs $29.99US + p & h overseas (which is still $20+AUD less when converted).

Meanwhile, thank you to all the lovely people who have sent me letters & emails to cheer me along. Some nice soul even sent me the anonymous gift of a light house kit. Your efforts are most appreciated and have done wonders. The last 4 months (what with work commitments and house repairs) have been an absolute nightmare. After this coming Tuesday's big exam, sanity will return and the pace will calm a whole lot. I will start stitching and commence blogging again after a recovery weekend at the coast with the In-Laws next weekend.

Meanwhile, happiness & laughter to one and all.

Stay well, avoid too much chocolate (because the Easter overload is just around the corner and you won't enjoy it if you've had too much beforehand) and take medical advice (things women of a certain age never do).



Chars said...

Wishing you well for Tuesdays exam - May everything you have learnt be at your pen-tip :)

I'm guilty of not taking medical advice BIG TIME atm - but thats a longer story... my children's safety comes before me!

Enjoy your visit to the in-laws... wish I could jump in your suitcase as I would love to see my son, parents and sister, neice/nephew.


Olga said...

Good luck on your exam! Hope you have an enjoyable visit with your in-laws.

CindyMae said...

Hope you have a great time with the in-laws! I do hope that the exams go well also!

stitcherw said...

What a great pattern, it looks the perfect treat for yourself after you're done with your exams and sanity returns. Good luck with everything you have going.

Unknown said...

Its cute! My older DS would love it! She is such a cat person. Sorry I haven't been on yahoo messenger its being a pain right now and won't let me log on so I am using myspace messenger for now.

Alberta said...

Hope you sail through your exam! Love the cat pillow BUT, that is a bit dear, isn't it?

CindyMae said...

I hope that you had a wonderful birthday! Because of our time difference I am just celebrating mine today which is your day after! LOL Confusing stuff! Anyway, it sounds like you had a great birthday and I pray that your received many blessings!