Sunday 11 March 2012

Fabric Covered Box Tutorial

Hi Folks,

It has been a spectacularly busy few weeks, for me. I went over to Brisbane for Felix's baptism, stayed to spend time with the Royal Family & my friend with breast cancer, Terry, and then flew to Sydney with The Youngest Princess to see the Lace, Harry Potter and Picasso Exhibitions and to visit the Rosehill Racecourse Sewing and Craft Fair.

I could write so much about these happenings but I'd never finish this entry. Let's just say that each event was spectactular! I learned a lot, I had a great time with my loved ones and

I bought (amongst other things) my first patchwork project in 30+ years

No sooner had I landed back in Perth than I was off to a fabric covered box workshop run by the Embroiderers' Guild of WA.

Here are some photographs of my humble attempts at making a box.
While it's not perfect, I quite like the outcome.

Practice, practice, practice!

Just as an aside ...

More big things happening in the next two weeks:

There's that big first birthday in a couple of days, my aunt is coming from Brisbane for a visit (and we are going to the Margaret River - home of some spectacular WA vineyards) and Lucy is going to do a happy dance (of sorts).

No expectant mother looks really graceful at this stage of a pregnancy when the temperatures are 40+C


Happiness & laughter to one and all,



Carla said...

You made a great job with the looks very nice!

Alberta said...

Are you sure you haven't made a box in a former life? This is beautiful. Well done Felicity.

Hope the temperatures moderate soon. Enjoy your company.

Anonymous said...

lovely box and ooooohhhh is Lucy going to be a Mum? How exciting

Anonymous said...

lovely box and ooooohhhh is Lucy going to be a Mum? How exciting